Tag Archives: princess

The Towers of Santo Dominique

That letter I sent

Lost at heart



A floral destiny was mine to be.

Over which

Constables and

Troubadours and

Knaves and the

Jesters and all

Aldermen have

Fought over, yet

Gone, begotten by

The nary prince that

Stood forth upon the gates

Of the limestone castle

As he passed along for my arms,

Hearkened unto ballads,

Holding a mint envelope,

Hoping to be desired.

Fourscore years hath he

Travelled over glebes and

Moors for a princess

Hence he inquires now.

I refused mine hand,

Why, which sensible dame

Dares to cast even skin

For a roaming heathen

Wild eyed and contraband?

Yet; goodly as I erelong,

Forthwith his compeer begins

Persisting and pursuing

The masks that he now put

For a show of cavalry, mayhap

And severe generosity

To make milkmaids surely faint

Oh, dear sire, but not I, said we

I am a stubborn lot, I fare

And one ritual is all it takes.

So I held my stone heart

In one lithe hand;

Lightning pendant in the other

Glim of light betwixt,

And prayed for redemption.

My wishes were painted,

Yet, in a cruel djinn act

And, on the morrow

The bricks began to fall

And the rain wept in agony

As screams intertwined with

Death church knells, tolling;

Warning for oncoming doom.

Yet, oh tragedy—! Not too soon

Did it come, all too late, and

The towers crashing

Over Santo Dominique

Twisted a thousand fates

And claimed a hundred souls

I wailed in bereavement

And I proclaimed to fled

Thinking myself a wretched witch

A damnable soul, I.

But still he, braveheart,

The chivalrous gentleman,

The unfaltering prince,

He pulled me from the wreck,

As he did hundred others,

He did the work of an army,

A battalion borne to save.

He claimed with intensity,

And passion forsooth,

And calm forgiveness,

And faith in his God and I

For mine spare emotions

Yet humanity is a fragile thing

And hearts more fragile so

And two of such broke

As I realised my cruelty,

As he passed on within my arms,

Hearkened unto dirges,

Holding a tattered envelope,

Hoping still to be wanted,

That neither

The constables

Nor troubadours

Nor jesters

Nor knaves

Nor alderman

Can even begin to pertain

Yet asunder our destiny was to be.



Lost at heart

The letter I sent.

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Souvenir Youth

Not so innocent
On the street hustling
Never be Miss America
In the backseat of a Celica
Crashing with a deadbeat
Living large on a love seat
In a small town, no scene
Turns out it was a pipe dream…


Daddy’s little princess

Moonlighting as a crack whore

In the dirty streets of LA dark

Her body is a dollar store

And her boyfriend paints her

With bruises every single night

And she cries in her sleep

And smiles at desperate dikes

Mummy’s little champ

With a joint and a tramp

And he earns his rolling dough

With illegal backdoor grow

And he hates his fucking life

And he beats up his wife

And his children are wasted

For luxuries they haven’t tasted

Little Princess and the Champ

Now that they’re all grown up

Saw the harsh reality of the world

As their innocence has burned

And it isn’t all just pink glitter tiaras

And it isn’t all just golden trophies

And sometimes they grow up to be

Just like their mummies and daddies.


Go to hell
Prom Queen, Miss America
In the backseat in a pair of cuffs…

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Die Prinzessin und der Drache

You’ve got a lot of nerve
But not a lot of spine
You made your bed
When you worried about mine
This ends now!!!


Will you never learn your lesson of not exacerbating the situation, pretty pink princess, shining of faux bravery and twisted self-pity?

Just when the skies were crystal clear to fly in an easy escape, you stupidly pulled along your own cloud of dark gloom and self-misery

Peal princess of glittering pearls and shimmering gold, sheeny fluffed gown screaming loudly with pathetic colours of desperate attention

You’d do anything to get noticed, going so far as to sneak in the dank dusty dungeons and poke the undisturbed malevolent dragon

Drag the entire town along with your destruction, your diamond crown and sympathetic fake smile acting as your personal “get out of jail” card

Crying a storm of teardrops while taunting behind your spineless back so hard that you deserve your own selfish shameless spiteful award

You may be cold falling rain honey, but my fiery shocking lightning strike travels faster than your foolish self-centered mind would care to think

You maybe think you’re safe for now, but I’ve got wizards held captive, and if only hatred is purely poisonous, then dearie, you’d already be fucking killed.

…and good riddance, too.


I wouldn’t hold my breath if I was you
Cause I’ll forget but I’ll never forgive you
Don’t you know, don’t you know
True friends stab you in the front?

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