Monthly Archives: October 2016

An Epitaph For The Celestial Marching Mercenaries Of The Final Apocalypse

The pious mercenary calling

Ivory halos bent and broken

Freedom, they were waging

With the price of lives stolen.

~faded tombstone inscription


The hooves came thundering one day, the pale blue horizon turned a foreboding scarlet

As four harbingers arrived, doing damage and causing War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death

The Ultimate Evil broke free from his fettered state, rose in power from the chains and ashes

The end was nigh, anarchy was high, until the skies opened up, and down flew the mercenaries


The immaculate mercenaries have come dawning upon our land today

Creating silent storms with their inexorable wings of pure liquid gold

Iridescent forms, fragile butterfly swords dipped in the blood of God

Legends from the end of a century troubadours failed to have foretold


Sheaths unravelling and suspended upon the silken strings of calling

Fundamental foundations on which this warring viridian planet o’er lay

For these cavalier soldiers fought and rallied against the stars falling

And saved restless cadavers from treason and potential further decay


Celestial hierarchy in motion, choirs of cherubim, seraphs, archangels

Sanctity of the war, exhibition like the clashing forces of moon and sun

White robed guardians arched in a delicate art of finesse, even in battle

Against the austerity of chthonic snarling demons, caliginous as they run


An empire of clattering bones and dripped silvery blood and carnage

Ashes choking the northeast breeze along with static crepuscular image

Stones cast whereupon heroes and kings once toasted glass in victory

The tainted lights of the sunset in a thousand days of a darkened glory


Holy weapons disintegrating the darkness, wield halos and hand grenades

Line after line of fiends are struck down, interlocked in a contrite parade

In the black and white of the opposed legions, thus occurred a stalemate

It seemed, for just a scintilla moment, that the better had won in this state


Yet when the eleventh hour struck, the stained battlefield was wrought

Half the army has gone to waste, and the other half left to fled for good

One survived, a lone figure in brutal combat, the shadows it still fought

Feathers plucked clean raining like hail, yet still, he relentlessly stood


Staring upon the paramount beast, standing drenched, shivering in turbid Stygian waters

Looking headlong into his glaring chaotic eyes, mocking, cackling, loathing splattered

A singular hope surged upon his severed veins, energy by grace of God’s dissemination

And with a last leap of faith and roar, he dashed past with broken wings to finish the book of revelation


The final frontier has been appended, and the end is a pyrrhic victory with irreparable losses

A defended vengeful side for an unknown singular cause, cost total obliteration to the masses

A valley of casualties lain like a tainted painting, from which artists dare not lay upon the canvas

With the sun burnt out, an frigid winter blanketed Gaia, and Elysium’s throne waited empty, alas!


Unsure of who gained the upper hand in this ordeal, a semblance of Heaven and Hell’s last swan song

In pace requiescat, a whisper carried by the last wind, bereft and morose, onto the gales forlorn and strong

And tet all that remains of this violent sordid affair is torn fragments of a yellowing parchment

Yet I tell this tale now, eulogy writ in my own quill and liquid; and I shall raise a glass, a spirit for the spirits


So lay a crimson rose in the graves of the bravest men, the fallen comrades, the stalwart mercenaries

Those loyal divine battalions who left paradise to purvey zealous souls against obstreperous enemies

Future hope woebegone, and may they rest in peace forevermore, for they have died, yet not completely in vain

I write this final epitaph for my beloved lost children, may their bold hearts ascend back to the kingdom of heaven once again.

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Feeling Sorry

I feel no sympathy
You live inside a cave
You barely get by
The rest of us are trying
There’s no need to apologise
I’ve got no time for feeling sorry…


I apologise greatly for acquiring onsets of terrible illnesses and ailments

That you simply dismissed as my performance to gain cheap attention

I’m severely sorry for the aches and pains and maladies that’ve stricken

Leaving my heart withering, and my debilitated body stuck in detention

I concur in my remorse, I pay shame and guilt over all my vulnerabilities;

Of dolefulness, exuberance, conquering emotions I’ve often submitted in

I feel sorry, truly, so sorry, yet these sorrows I have goes out to you, I fear

I’ll pay all my pities and needed sympathies, and you know why, my dear?

For whilst I’ve irrefutable evidence of my humanity, from the pains I’ve fought

You, on the other hand, I see, clearly do not.

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Melting Crayons



The colour of

a thousand sunsets

falling altogether

in the paradise

that scarlet angels

had created for

you and me.



Floating rubber duck

smiling sun in the paper corner

raincoat for stormy days

sunflowers bloom in the summer

the stars twinkling merry

lemonade in the cool backyard

and that light still incensed

in the purest childish innocence.



Alien worlds

mint-skin men


in the crowning glory

of Neptune


seas, aquamarine

with creatures

so abyssal

holds more mystery

in its lagoon.



Eccentric, you were

with your ginger hair

and your freckled nose

and your sweet ‘n sour demeanour

Strange, you were

with hard seeds in your heart

and that sodium light skin

and that aftertaste you left so bitter.



Calm and cool

walk a manner

don’t even blink—

royal and regal

amethyst nails

why even think?

lipstick so dark

leave kiss mark

don’t try to sink!

the stain you left

is a sole memory

like a bard with no ink.



You’re my candy queen

you’re my sweet sixteen

you’re my autumn bloom

your cheeks rosy flushing

carnation hair’s billowing

you’re a strawberry moon

you’re a bubblegum sweet

your words a cherry treat

you’re sunrise on a spoon

you’re my watermelon cool

you’re a cotton candy spool

you’re my heart’s nom de plume.



Those days

where there’s

not a hint

of the horizon

just the sky and sea

melting together

into a pale blue



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Daily Forecast: Sunny With A Chance Of Sarcastic

Just for the record, the weather today
Slightly sarcastic, with a good chance of:
A.) Indifference, or B.) Disinterest
To what the critics say…


You’re out on a shallow rampage, attempting a one-sided battling rally

To transform me into your average person, a standard factory human

For you think that in your radiant diamond-cut life, I’m just a tainted sully

And you’ve really got the strong verve and nerve to denounce everyone

Preachy, holier-than-thou, you can apply to be a pastor at your local church

Save for the fact that they’re actually interesting and won’t go straight to hell

Every word spat out sneeringly, as if the sole sight of me makes you wanna lurch

You stand high and mighty in your podium, like all dictators before they fell

Dangling the rope that you used to pull me out the hole to slip it round my neck

Will you hurt me? Will you not? Hun, my bones are chilling from all the suspense

Wishing to prolong all my agony, like a tomcat plays with its squeaky meal

But I’ll scamper back to my rat hole and drop upon your head reality’s anvil

So learn to look past your shadowy reflection, you asinine narcissistic clot

Pray peer deeper into the pensive, onto the other side of this shattered mirror

But if you can’t even get it past your thick skull, I’ll be very glad to spell it out

You see, when you view it in a less biased perspective, I am not the monster

For I may just be an enemy, a beast, but at least I’ve retained my instincts

And never mind that it’s a bit torn up and battered, my soul still fully works

Truth be told, I’d rather be who you see me, a primal creature who can’t think

Than to join your hive mind and be a steel robot, naïve, unfeeling, and cold

But don’t let me ruin your fun, you silly child, I won’t steal your toys then

Don’t worry, I won’t take away your sweet candy as you always did to me

I definitely won’t stoop to your level, so stop whining, just stay in your playpen

Plus, I’ve got bad knees from too much bowing down to your ego, honestly

I told you already lovie, it’s simply futile, laughable, and eye rolling amounts of rude

You’re just foolishly waging with sticks and stones, charging blindly into a losing war

So why don’t you lay down your garbage pail shield, kindly bugger off, behave nice like you should

Now now, mind your good manners and proper conduct dear, and don’t be such an attention whore.

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Earth Angel

I disappeared last night
While sleeping in my bed
A field of lavender beneath my head
Another planet, I’ll try to map it
No user interface
It won’t escape me again…


You fell away from time

Hurtling through space

The people who saw the

Carnage thought it was

Another stray meteorite


The sight was sublime

Past clouds you raced

The crater you’ve left a

Deep permanent gash

Standing lone at night.


And you softly gaze up

At the dark bruised sky

As pure white feathers

Rained like fresh snow

From your scarred back


You drown in coffee cups

You dissolved sugary lies

And the crimson weather

Is dripping faint and slow

In your empty pen and pad.


A rejected earthen angel

What were you now to do

But blend within the realm

That they’ve dropped you

Into and be a normal being


You taught yourself well

Sometimes miss the clue

Lost your power’s helms

Exchanged into your new

Found emotional standing.


Amalgamations profound

Of prose in your halo head

As you pluck tiny narcissus

From their Garden of Eden

As if it is but your quiet sin


Luna’s light the only sound

Raven shadows you’ve wed

Your bleak sanity’s detritus

Loneliness your own poison

Tired in the worn human skin.


And the humming starlings

Disturbed your soul ponders

So you slam down windows

Hoping badly to shut out all

The rest of the lost universe


Your lacerated broken ivory wings

Are starting to growing back hither

As clearest veins’ pulsate and flow

Into a leathery black, and stars fall

As you write another hushed verse.


Don’t wake up
I’ll be here for centuries
Sweet magnetic energy
Nothing quite like this ever has existed
But God knows how I missed it
Gravity is losing its hold
I can feel it fading…

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A Simmering Conversation; And A Conversation Never Served

I can taste thin complimentary breath mints in my mouth

Yet the putrid black bile overpowers my taste and overrides

All that I can hear is flapping argot and holes blaring static

As they chatter and maunder easily, classically and refined


My freshened mind thinks of a comedic anecdote, a funny pastime

Yet my throat still manages to choke on last night’s blandest dinner

Try to formulate tragically-told stories of my perfect getaway crime

Yet my Pandora box opens up, my anxiety comes out, a clearcut winner


Those offered pale breath mints turn out to be severely toxic

That disgusting bile turns into another blessing damn to come

I slowly transform into a madhouse patient struck into epileptic

My imagination dips its ankles hesitantly into the waves and ran


And that planned small talk dispels into nausea, gets regurgitated back up

And I try to find my way but stumble upon my chattering useless teeth

The conversation swerves, halts to a skid, their dull stares judge and flat

As I fumble with my tools, trying to patch it back but spit grease in defeat


So when I manage to untwist my knotted gut and spill my overflowing tongue’s pretence

And you tune me back to the discourse, shooting impatient waiting glares and pretending

It seems I’m always the one who’s spouting silliness, talking trumpery, and blathering alien nonsense

Oh dear listeners, I’m so sorry if I have bored you, are the monsters in my head not at all that interesting?

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Just A Twinge Of Cosmic Angst: A Sestina

I sit taciturn and wondering, waiting for the universe

to take my shaking hand into her further infinity.

I see the connected constellations, ostentatious

as they are, splashes and arcs of light tessellating

into the galaxy’s tender motion and sleepy staccato,

Falling fast within this midnight sky so consummate.


Now I won’t admit into being also consummate,

Not in the physique of this elegant universe.

My body is made of mere stardust staccato

ravelling tightly into a quite beautiful infinity.

Yet I shall admit defeat unto death, tessellating

into a parasitic decay non so ostentatious.


We all wish to enter the gates of Heaven, ostentatious

as humans get. We are quite passionate and consummate

with our concepts arranged into a stained-glass tessellation,

Ignoring still the vast reaches withheld in the universe

and thinking that this small orbit of ours is all that’s infinity,

Earning us a mindset of broken glass and fragmented staccato.


Truly, our planet is a zealous one, of cobalt and viridian tessellation,

Pieced together, and yet barely holding on, our divinity ostentatious.

Our sea levels and stretched firmament seem to reach infinity

up to our all-knowing Mother, her opalescent gown consummate,

But then again, she is just another dress in this party of the universe

Her descrying jade heart pulsating and flatlining into faintest staccato.


And materialistic, we resolutely remain, technology tessellating,

Preaching with arguing high voices, radioing into noisy black staccato.

Pray must we, for help. Ask forgiveness to the spinning universe

for we have been too indulged getting severely pompously ostentatious.

And soon, no longer will she ever care, for she is a goddess consummate

with her rarities. A powerful chromatic angel donning white wings of infinity.


We drown all our self-abnegation in a shallow turbid pool of falsified infinity,

But look up to the astral skies, you fools, and see the stars’ bright tessellation!

We can nevermore achieve the paramount gracefulness of being consummate,

for we are mere scintilla specks floating in space. Barely even a borrowed staccato

that’s vainglorious, ruffling our colourful feathers. Now cease ostentation,

Breathe in the sun…do you feel that slightest twinge of cosmic angst from the universe?


I whisper but echoing souls, cut into philosophical tessellation, and cast into evaporation. I might as well be speaking staccato,

but the patient universe hears my every cry, and gifts me some of her onyx satin habiliment. I accept humbly, non ostentatiously

so I see clearly finally. Wherefore must we humans be so dragged into consummate? This life is not a question of perfection, but rather, what we choose to do with our own infinity.

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You and I, we’re nuclear

Two atoms intertwined

A vivacious ripped scar

Energetic and fully alive


Let’s go and get nuclear

And paint this world red

Bounding in near and far

Until we are all but dead


And our nuclear resonance

They’ll taste our contagion

Catching radiating defiance

Into massive nuclear fission


We are a nuclear family

The perfect combination

Yet an unorthodox trinity

Nothing but dysfunction


Our house of nuclear reactor

Fill with too much resistance

Wafted stank chemical ardour

Vats of industrial contrivance


The hidden nuclear weapons

That we’re wielding into divide

And clash in perpetual motion

Lay ruin upon the other’s lives


But those nuclear warheads

Will be to our self-destruction

Biohazard and contaminated

Result to our own decimation


And this coldest nuclear winter

A chilling climate to last forever

Mushroom clouds block the sun

In dusty high-altitude cremation


We are a giant nuclear disaster

This planet’s final ending harm

When we split apart even faster

And ignite that final deadly bomb


We’re nothing but a nuclear fallout

The wrongful radioactive explosion

Left in rubbles of the last battlefield

Left wounded in chaotic pandemonium.

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Mister Märchen’s Travelling Cozen Carnival

You think you’re gonna hurt me
Get ready to get dirty
You created this beast inside
Pull the noose tighter
And lift a little higher
‘Cause you’re killing me slow
I ain’t ready to die…


Mister, cut me a break, what is this strange event that I see?

Must it be what I ought think? Has my wish come true to me?

A sign donning your name flutters, sobriquet painted proudly

A carnival has just arrived in our town? Oh, wow! Oh, goodie!


Mister, cut me a thicker slice of your sweetest apple pie

As you tip your bowler hat politely to welcome me inside

To the colourful carnival, yelling out of fun and adventure

Smells of candy floss mingle with sounds of accordion overture


Mister, cut me off with elated screams on the rollercoaster

Lay hoops after hoops perfectly on the basketball shooters

Relinquishing my childhood dreams in the spinning carousel

A romantic atmosphere and stunning view atop the Ferris wheel


Mister, cut my palms open and read their miasmatic fortune

Raise your psychics up to the Gods and conjure me a Jotun

Sense my aura, read tea leaves, predict my stormy emotions

Promise to cure my limerence with a lavender placebo potion


Mister, cut me a great deal and trade my pennies for an airgun

Let me aim at paper targets in simple enjoyment and hopeful fun

The stuffed prized monkeys you keep, I can taste with my fingers

Yet this rigged booth game clearly offers quick profits and no winners


Mister, cut me in half with sharpened steel as you claim this as no scam

Make a dove and a bunny appear in smoke, I’ll pick a card, dear magician

Fool me silly and astound me dumb with your clever sleight of hands

Tremendous tricks my gullibility enjoys yet fails thusly to understand


Mister, cut my figure down as my body undergoes a horrid distortion

Wavy forms, plump physiques, stick-thin limbs, different depictions

Making funny faces and laughter echoing in the vast hall of mirrors

And I never had to know that they were actually just normal reflections


Mister, cut my mind open with your final flourished impressive performance

Rings of fire, ringmasters and lions, amazing acrobats in a gravity defiance

Dancing elephants and bicycle bears, trapeze and tightrope, clowns and ballet

When I applaud for that final curtain and leave, I’m still in an entranced state


Mister, cut me off from the tangible world, entrap me in this amazing place

I’m wandering past striped red tents badly lost, like it’s a labyrinthine maze

Like a rat stuck and scuttling harriedly, my scattered thoughts begin to unravel

And you swoop down with a gust of wind, shaking all my respect and marvel


Mister, cut my strings and make me dance, call me your ever-faithful marionette

Make me beg for your sole control desperately until you stop playing and accept

Hold the blade against my tongue, crimson and silver clashing in purest sedition

As my balljoint limbs fall apart in a graceless waltz of decadence and perdition


Mister, cut me apart, sew me back together, and throw me inside a cell with barred windows

Let the audience pay a dollar to laugh and make fun of this snivelling miserable freakshow

Gander at my deformities, my rejected rarities, my broken traits and finest failures asunder

Proclaim me inhuman, spit in my filthy face, throw peanuts and popcorn, declare me a monster


Mister, cut my soul and sanity out, mould them and mix them in a menagerie and throw them carelessly away

For this is what my foolish curiosity has come and garnered, and this is the ultimate price that I will have to pay

This cozen carnival, a deathly deluge of employed slaves and varying circus acts of your victims, doomed forever to stay

Master, you must close up for tonight, for we wish to indulge in our nightmares, and after all, tomorrow’s another fruitful day.


Tonight, get ready for a fight
So now you know it’s time to ride
My circus for a psycho
Round and round we go,
Look out below
‘Cause I want off this…

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Sweet Treat City

Look for love as sweet as cherry lollipops
Find a crush like white vanilla cream
Once again they hide themselves away from me
Cannot see the forest for the trees...


Fighting the sun with sundae saccharine surrender

Heat waves against a coldest confectionery tender

This nickel twinkle town of sprinkles, love, cherries

Always served up with extra opportuned delicacies

Frozen in time, within sheerest perfection and light

On pastel vanilla days and velvety chocolate nights

Milky clouds, silver rain, and banana moon creams

Roads trailed with syrup leading into lovely dreams

Characters of colours and varying tastes and flavour

You’ll never tire of their different kinds, all in savour

Luscious musings with some crackling wafers on top

Choose your sorbet sensations, the scoops never stop

But the bustling crowds will always slowly melt away

Like if that ice cream’s left outside on a summer’s day

As they drip into the soft fragility of the funneled cone

Into the dark pavement gutters in which they call home.


Bit by bit I taste bit of apple rain
Knowing something good is soon to come
Breathe it in like candy-coated sugar cane
Happiness is now falling from above…

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